IkasLab Lizardi

Description: IkasLab Lizardi is an open and flexible space that helps guide the learning process based on learning situations. It is a space of 200 square meters and  priority is given to acoustic comfort, open vision and flexibility of configuration. Six smaller spaces make up the IkasLab, of which the Croma space is the only one that is fixed, all the others are flexible and changeable. The other five small areas are as follows: research, reflect, develop, implement and present. Digital connectivity is guaranteed through the Wi-Fi network and the energy supply points are flexible and numerous. All communication surfaces are useful, for writing and projection. IkasLab's users are secondary school students, and it is designed to develop their learning process through active methodologies.

Partnership: -

Address: Gurmendi kalea 11, 20800 Zarautz, Gipuzkoa, Spain


Jon Artola,  Professor of Technology department, jartola@lizardi.eus

Olaiz Aberasturi, Professor of English department, oaberasturi@lizardi.eus

Website: https://lizardi.hezkuntza.net/eu/inicio1