Description: The Juan Bautista Irurzun School is a center of approximately 600 students, with 3 or 4 classes depending on the course, in which multilingual teaching is taught in 4 languages. Therefore, the center is very rich in its offer and is committed to the integration of languages.
Among our students there is a great diversity, both in abilities and talents and in characteristics. There are 14 different nationalities of origin, we have a high percentage of students registered with specific needs for educational support and within the center there are two special education classrooms.
We believe that every day there is a change in the trend in communication, with a fast and instantaneous information society, with little critical spirit to manage information, in a globalized world. Therefore, the creation of a kiosk, an inclusive space where learning to manage information, creating awareness and transforming reality from the classroom, is a commitment to the future, it is a Future Classroom Lab.
Partnership: No
CP Juan Bautista Irurzun. Calle Bajada escuelas s/n. 31350 Peralta Navarra
Rosario Ramos, Coordinator
Marta Alonso, Director