Laboratório de aprendizagem (Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazão)

The learning laboratory is a space for pedagogical innovation with emphasis on the use of ICT and collaborative work.

Thanks to its furniture, it has a great capacity to change its configuration, allowing different models of space organization. A dedicated internet line provides a good internet connection for the interactive panel, the 20 computers/tablets (hybrid) and the 4 desktop computers.

This space supports active pedagogy, centred on the student, collaborative work, creativity, autonomy and critical thinking. It is a space that is still under construction, with some steps missing for its completion. New areas will be created and new materials will be added to expand the potential of the space. An acquisition of robotics tools, 3D printing, recording material and audio/video editing is planned as well as the purchase of informal furniture to equip some spaces according to their pedagogical purposes.

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Rua dos Mirantes, N.º76. 4595-148 Frazão, Paços de Ferreira