Leonardo's Lab, Circolo Didattico San Filippo /IT

Our lab is placed inside a very ancient classroom that dates back to the 15th century. The laboratory's name is inspired by the great scientist Leonardo da Vinci, who used to stay and work in our school's headquarters.  

The lab targets all the students at our comprehensive school cluster (more than 1000). Furthermore, it can also be used by the schools that come to visit us and for collaboration with other institutions.  

Our pedagogical approach focuses on learning by doing, cooperative learning and peer-to-peer lessons. Interactive whiteboards, video projectors, tables, ergonomic seats and specific equipment will also be installed, with special attention to soft corners. 

Partnership: We have made a specific commercial agreement with a public tender procedure with Giochimpara srl of Pergine Valsugana (TN) for the supply of VS FURNITURE Germany furniture. We are discussing a similar agreement with Gonzagarredi Montessori. 

Address:     Circolo Didattico San Filippo, Via Borgo Inferiore 7, Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy 

Contact:      Silvia Ghigi, Headteacher, ds.silvia.ghigi@scuolesanfilippo.net 

                   Chiara Gustinelli, Teacher, gustinelli.chiara@scuolesanfilippo.net 

Website: www.scuolesanfilippo.edu.it