

Founded in July 2017, MATATALAB CO., LTD., is an education technology company striving to provide innovative learning and entertainment experiences through technology, and empowers children with the skills, mindset, and confidence to excel in a rapidly evolving world.

Starting from the field of early programming, MatataStudio has developed programming robots and artificial intelligence products for children and teenagers aged 3-18, providing teaching tools and professional educational content for the K-12 education stage. In 2023, the company expanded its business to the field of technology exploration, offering a variety of digital microscope products that combine curiosity with scientific exploration, adding new dimensions to the journey of understanding the world. 



MatataStudio Digital Learning Solution for K-12 Education


MatataStudio Tangible Programming Language

MatataStudio tangible programming language is suitable for children aged 3 to 9. Rather than using pictures and words on a computer screen, it uses physical blocks and buttons to represent various programming elements, commands, and flow-of-control structures. By arranging (or pressing) and combining these blocks or buttons, children can create programs and control a robot’s behavior.


Innovative Coding & AI Learning Tools

Following children’s cognitive growth, MatataStudio develops innovative teaching tools to meet the various needs of kids in different stages, from entry level learning robot set Tale-Bot Pro, to comprehensive AI learning robot Nous AI Set


Exploratory Digital Microscopes

Introducing a brand-new series of digital microscopes designed specifically for students from kindergarten to high school. Covering over a dozen products and educational solutions, this series offers students a comprehensive and engaging experience in the exploration of microscopic science.


Standard-Aligned Curriculum

MatataStudio provides standard-aligned curriculums and activity cards with different language versions and cross-curricular coding activities.


Professional Development

Get empowered with strategies for success with our Matatalab Edu PD training. Matatalab is committed to fostering the 4C's and computational thinking skills in 21st-century classrooms.


MatataWorld Robotics Competition


MatataWorld Robotics Competition (MWRC) is a global robotics competition platform for kids to develop their programming logic and further improve their scientific literacy through the game-based STEAM challenge.



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