National Centre for Digital Innovation in Education “Future Classroom”

National Centre for Digital Innovation in Education "Future Classroom Lab" was opened in the spring of 2019 and is aimed at organizing in- and pre-service professional training for teachers, providing consultations, conducting research, promoting educational technologies and innovation, developing and implementing new educational programs for teachers. It is the change agent and the focal point of the digital transformation of the Moldovan educational system.

National Centre for Digital Innovation in Education is a part of a broader national program "Future Classroom Lab", inspired by the European project "Future Classroom Lab" by European Schoolnet. It brings a new concept in pedagogy, offers an open and inspirational learning space with interdisciplinary and innovative approaches, uses digital technologies, and favors the student-centered learning process. Future Classroom Lab was first implemented in Moldova in 2017. It currently involves 123 high schools across the country, and one Center at the State Pedagogical University "Ion Creanga" from Chisinau.

Over 50+ types of digital technologies are deployed with the Future Classroom Lab initiative, such as coding platforms, robotics, 3D printing, microcircuits, and virtual reality headsets. In addition to the devices, dozens of online and mobile apps have been adopted by the project ambassador teachers in the classrooms.

Future Classroom Lab is a project, expected to trigger a broader digital transformation of the Moldovan education system, by testing new technologies and approaches and utilizing their functionalities and effectiveness for the learning outcomes of the students. It is aimed at underlining the importance of the scientific, technological, engineering, arts, mathematics, entrepreneurship and design (STEAMED) fields and of the cultivation of 21st-century skills and competences.

Future Classroom Lab is the national implementer for aligning teachers' digital competencies according to the levels of the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). The Center's trainers are working on developing the content. The Center aims at developing and piloting teacher training courses to enhance the digital competence of teachers in Moldova. This initiative aligns with the European Commission’s DigCompEdu framework, which is widely used to promote the effective use of digital technologies in education. The proposal highlights the structure, methodology, and expected outcomes of the training, aiming to develop competencies at three levels (A, B, and C).

At the Future Classroom Center, are available 15 continuous training programs (seven of which are nationally accredited) and 21 thematic modules designed to empower teachers across Moldova with advanced digital skills. The programs provide valuable opportunities for educators to enhance their competencies, ensuring they stay at the forefront of digital education. 

In addition to teacher training, also are organized courses for children on robotics and 3D modeling and printing. And another activity for children and students that is provided is organising visits to our educational laboratories, where they can engage with modern technology in an interactive environment. 

Beyond Center’s primary mission of digitally transforming education and equipping schools with state-of-the-art technologies, we actively foster community engagement. The center also hosts community events, robotics competitions, and a summer camp, offering enriching experiences that inspire both teachers and students alike.

Commercial Partners

National Centre for Digital Innovation in Education – "Future Classroom Lab" is a partnership between:

●    Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova;

●    Future Technology Activities Project (FTA) funded by USAID, the Government of Sweden and UK;

●    Orange Moldova Foundation;

●    State Pedagogical University  "Ion Creanga" from Chisinau

●    Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund

More information



●    Victoria Belous, Team Leader at the National Center for Digital Innovation in Education "Future Classroom",

●    Carolina Bondarciuc, Deputy Director / Project Management and Strategic Development at the National Center for Digital Innovation in Education "Future Classroom",

●    Victoria Calistru, Deputy Director / Training Coordination and Strategic Development at the National Center for Digital Innovation in Education "Future Classroom”,


1 Ion Creanga str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

3D tour of the FCL Center