Webinar: A Journey into the Elegance of Atoms


The Future Classroom Lab and Shape Robotics are hosting a webinar which will demonstrate how technology can be used to make learning more engaging for students. Shape Robotics specialises in tailor-made STEAM Lab solutions designed to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics to provide a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to learning.

Titled “A Journey into the Elegance of Atoms”, the webinar aims to demonstrate an innovative way in which technology is used to teach science, in this case presenting the structure and function of the atom. The event will show in practice how STEAM technologies can be used to make clearer to students the interconnectedness of mathematics, chemistry and physics in the structure and functioning of atoms.

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to explore a pedagogical approach which incorporates a variety of technology products to structuring and delivering a chemistry lesson. The approach can easily be adapted to different contexts and subjects. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask further questions and discuss the benefits and challenges of using robots and other technological innovations for educational purposes.

Register here.

