Novigado: Project results

O8 - Final report

The final report summaries all work done during the project and includes practical recommendations for educators and policy-makers with on how to support schools or local authorities to adapt or design the learning environments in schools and other educational institutions and use them in a more innovative way. The recommendations are divided into three groups: policy-makers, schools and teacher development institutions. The final report is available in five languages.

O3 - Capacity-Building Programme: Training manual

The Novigado partners designed a Capacity Building Programme (CBP) that helps to mainstream Active Learning and pedagogical innovation at the whole-school level. A CBP pilot in four countries – France, Poland, Portugal and Turkey – was organised in 2021 in 25 secondary level schools. The training manual is for anyone who wants to replicate a similar training programme in a school, a training institute or any other face-to-face course setting. It describes the main steps and roles to deliver the training to teachers or trainers, but also the follow-up phase where teachers will work with students, bringing the designed scenarios into practice. The module-based format allows "picking & mixing" training content for different contexts and needs. The training manual is available in five languages.

The manual is accompanied by a comprehensive toolset of supporting documents to carry out and monitor the programme. It includes more than 30 attachments available in EN, FR, PL and TR (language-specific differences may exist). All materials are published under Creative Commons, and adaptations (including further translations) are possible. Find the toolset materials here.


O5 - Pilot evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation plan of the Capacity-Building Program's school pilot was made to gather evidence-based information about how innovative learning environments and new teaching practices influence education. The first questions often asked about new learning spaces and teaching practices are: ‘What is their impact on learning?’, ‘Will the students be better learners and attain higher academic achievements?’ The evaluation of the pilot phase was carried out during and after implementation of the learning activities. The full report is available in English.


​​​​​​​O7 - MOOC "Active Learning and Innovative Teaching in Flexible Learning Spaces"

The project partners designed and delivered an online course in the European Schoolnet Academy (EUN’s own MOOC platform) 17/01-23/02/2022. The course included 4 modules and one module was opened each week, being 4 weeks + 1.5 week of time to catch-up and complete the peer-assessment tasks, making the full course duration 5.5 weeks.

A total of 3158 people signed up for the course and 1914 of them started following at least one course module. Finally, 687 participants achieved the course certificate (meaning they went over all the materials and completed all activities). 762 people joined the course-related Facebook group. From the lesson plans submitted by the participants, 24 exemplary ones were selected and published in the FCL resource directory. The course content remains available at the EUN Academy for browsing and self-learning purposes.

Evaluation results: Based on the post-course survey (N=388), 98% rated the overall value of the course as “Good” or “Very good”. 91% of the respondents would recommend this course to a colleague (agree & strongly agree) as well as 94% said that they will use the ideas and examples presented in the course.​


O4 - Guidelines in Learning Space Innovations

The Guidelines in Learning Space Innovations were created based on a desk research and literature review on flexible and innovative learning environments, and on teachers' and students' practices from the classroom that support both active learning and innovative teaching.

Learning spaces can play a crucial role in stimulating not only active learning of students, but also innovative forms of pedagogy in the classroom or school spaces. This publication presents the reasons that justify this shift – in methods, spaces, and priorities – as well as practical insights related to creating future-ready school environments. The publication is available in 5 languages:

The Guidelines is accompanied by 13 case studies from schools that have implemented flexible and innovative learning environments.







O6 - Online Scenario Tool

The Novigado Scenario Tool guides all those interested to build learning scenarios and practical lesson plans that support active learning pedagogy. The tool offers ready-made activities to build a lesson plan, as well as some adjustable examples of full scenarios. The tool gives the user the freedom to adapt the offered suggestions, as well as to start from scratch. The tool was used during the Novigado Capacity-Building Programme and the MOOC, and it is freely accessible and available at the FCL website for registered users. Until June 2022, the tool was already been used by over 2500 users.

The tool is based on the four Cs of Education: critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. The user can choose from six learning activity categories, as well as from different spatial parameters and suggested tools and technologies. Discover the tool here and watch here the introductory webinar or short tutorial videos.


O1 - Schools’ Support Ecosystem

O1 was about creating an online space where dedicated and interested professionals can find resources, take part in online professional development and be part of a wider community of stakeholders. To this end, the Novigado consortium:

  • Produced a series of activities including online webinars and live events (in total 13 with over 900 participants in total, including the Final Conference).
  • Collected active learning resources including publications, videos, articles, webinar recordings, AL lesson plans, etc., published in the FCL directory (select 'active learning' as topic to see all these resources).
  • Created and published in the Active Learning blog up to 35 posts.
  • Supported the rebranding and expansion of the network of learning labs

The page views show the following figures: Novigado main page 10.000 page views, Novigado blog 15.000 page views, Novigado results 1.500 page views.


O2 - Active Learning Reference Framework for innovative teaching in flexible learning environments

The Novigado project's meta objective is to support schools and related stakeholders in the transition from a conventional and teacher-centred classroom, where the transmission model  is  prevalent,  into  teaching  practices  that  promote active  learning  with  the  support  of flexible, innovative learning environments and the use of relevant ICT.

For that purpose, the project's first Intellectual Outcome, Active Learning Reference Framework, defines the key elements, techniques and criteria for active learning in flexible learning spaces, and it will form the conceptual framework of the Novigado project.

Stakeholder consultations

As part of the Active Learning Reference Framework, different stakeholders were invited to respond to the question "How should active learning look like in a school? What would you recommend to teachers?". Their contributions can be read here:

  • Catherine Beccheti-Bizot, National education and higher education mediator, France
  • Münevver Cesur, project coordinator and a teacher trainer at the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General for Teacher Training and Development, Turkey
  • Fernando Manuel Franco, former teacher and member of the Directorate-General for Education, Portugal
  • Ahmet Göçen, Assistant Professor in Harran University Education Faculty, Turkey
  • Jacek Staniszewski, history teacher, director of the Primary School and Secondary School of the Academy of Good Education, Poland
  • Adil Tugyan, ESL teacher and teacher trainer, Turkey
  • Malgorzata Żytko, academic teacher and pedagogue, professor and employee of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw, Poland


Desk research: Short studies

As part of the desk research a number of resources were reviewed and described as short studies. All together 37 studies were described, download them here.


Creative Commons License
All results deriving from the Novigado project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Key Information

  • Funding: Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2 (School Education - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices)
  • Start time: 01-12-2019
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Download:


Erasmus+ Programme (funded with the support by)

The Novigado project is funded with support from the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme. This publication/website reflects the views only of the author, and the EC cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.