The self-funded room is equipped with four 50" displays for group projects, interactive projector for the teacher, interactive table, LEGO robotic constructors, different smartphones / Tablets (iOS, Android and Windows) with different screen sizes. The furniture is easily removable. The room is equipped with a lecture-recording device and a sound system. HDMI switch is used for multiple scenarios to transfer video and audio signal from displays to projector and recording devices. A room controller with a touch panel is used for controlling switches, displays, lightning etc. In addition, the room is equipped with different gadgets that could be used with tablets and/or smartphones (different controllers), and mini computers which could be used as constructors for development and learning. The room was conceptualised to promote BYOD approach, which encourages students to use every kind of device during the lesson. The available technology supports wireless connectivity with projectors and monitors via AppleTV and Miracast Standards.
Commercial Partners:
None at the moment.
More information:
HITSA Hariduse Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutus / Information Technology Foundation for Education
Akadeemia 21/1
12618 Tallinn