Discover how to design, plan, create and manage a makerspace.
Learning environments have been constantly evolving lately, always seeking for new ways of supporting teaching and learning. On 10 December we discussed about the findings of our recent Makerspace publication and heard from representatives from the case studies schools who shared views on the added value that makerspaces can bring to teaching.
The event consisted of 2 sessions:
At 12:00 CET | Session on Policy: Fostering innovative education |
At 17:00 CET | Session on Practice: Tips & tricks to develop Makerspaces |
Session on Policy: Fostering innovative education
What are the benefits of innovating our schools' learning environments and promoting hands-on work?
>> Bert Galle & Frederik Wylin (VTI Mene - Belgium)
>> Manuela Pattarini (Istituto Comprensivo Lucio Fontana - Italy) [pdf]
>> Pedro Correia (Agrupamento de Escolas de Freixo - Portugal)
>> Claudia Bücheli (Baar Sekundarschule Sternmatt - Switzerland)
>> Lorenzo Guasti (INDIRE - Italy)
>> Stephanie Burton (Hep Vaud - Switzerland)
>> Dr. Riina Vuorikari (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
Session on Practice: Tips & tricks to develop Makerspaces
Do you want to have a makerspace in your school? During session 2, we discussed how toolkits in our latest Makerspace publication could be used by any school.
>> Madeleine MurraY (PDST - Ireland)
>> Sarah Dell'Aera (BEE-Creative - Luxemburg)
>> Fernando Franco (DGE - Portugal)
>> Hermann Morgenbesser ( - Austria)
>> Jennifer McGarry (Alexandra College Junior school - Ireland)
>> Marc Teusch (BEE-Creative - Luxembourg)
Did you miss the event?
You can watch the recordings on YouTube: