Sala do futuro e Laboratório de aprendizagem e multimédia

With this Future Classroom Lab we aim to improve the employability of the students involved in the project helping them cultivate some of the skills most valued in the labour market, namely innovation, creative thinking and digital skills.

The opening of our Future Classroom (2016) was the turning point of our organization: teachers and students became more motivated and integration became real. The students who attend professional courses (Multimedia) have been trained to become FCL resident mentors. They are responsible for the technological equipment and they help teachers with their lessons.

The FCL also has a snoezlen and chill out area specially designed for students with special needs, namely those who are hyperactive autistics. There they can sit and stare at the stars, touch the colourful water column, grab the optic fibre, listen to the sounds of nature and feel comfortable enough to engage in different learning tasks.

However, the FCL alone can not change neither mentalities nor teaching practices. It is necessary to extend the ways students learn and teachers teach in FCL to the regular classroom. With this goal, more projects like "Makers Lab" were created.

The FCL has 6 different areas/ stations, each with its specific equipment: Video and image production station (cameras, green screen, video editing software); register station (smart wall); programming and robotics station (drones, robots and Legos); independent work station (ergonomic chairs); chill out station (fibre optic ‘fountain', water column) ; cooperative workstation (smart table, smartboard); graphic and 3d production station (3d printer; computers, laptops).


Commercial Partners:

  • Promethean Portugal
  • Microsoft Portugal
  • Steelcase Portugal
  • Steelcase: flexible furniture; Materias Diversos - Arts and STEAM projects CTIC - STEM projects Ciência Viva - STEM


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Escola Básica e Secundária de Alcanena, 

Av. Marquês de Pombal

Apartado 58

2384-909 Alcanena, Portugal