Since its creation, the Interactive Classroom Working Group (ICWG) has been dedicated to exploring innovative approaches to education, focusing on digitalisation, personalised learning, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies in schools. Over the years, the ICWG has published guidelines addressing key areas such as innovative learning spaces, digital strategies, and tools to foster collaboration and critical thinking in classrooms.
In its latest publication, the working group presents School Strategies for Fostering Students’ Digital Competences, offering actionable guidelines for school leaders. This work draws on:
- Research and frameworks such as DigComp and DigCompEdu, emphasising digital competence in education.
- Insights from 15 case studies across eight European countries, featuring practical examples of effective school leadership and digital transformation.
- Collaborative experiences, including input from school leaders, educators, and policymakers.
The main outcomes are presented in two resources: the Guidelines for School Leaders and Interactive Classroom WG Case Studies, showcasing best practices and inspiring real-world applications. Both are now available on this dedicated page. Join us on 29.01.2025 for the launching of the Guidelines!