FCL Ambassadors Testimonials



Jana Op de Beeck

"Het enthousiasme van leraren die voor het eerst kennismaken met het Future Classroom lab is onbeschrijflijk dankbaar." - Jana Op de Beeck

The network of FCL Ambassadors is a very rewarding one for me. The expertise of this group of people is so valuable and inspiring. It motivates me to also show in Flanders the value of embracing innovation and flexible learning spaces. Together with Stephanie, our co-lead ambassador, I am motivated to inspire schools with examples from the FCL network. Together, we aim to set up our own Flemish network including teachers who believe in the power of flexible learning spaces and innovative technology.






Stephanie De Clercq

"Zelf ontdek ik nog elke dag kansen en mogelijkheden die het FCL aan onze Vlaamse scholen kan bieden!" - Stephanie de Clercq

I have been an FCL ambassador for three years now, and what I am most proud of is the organization of our FCL Open Days. Once or twice a year, we open the doors of the FCL in Brussels to teachers and immerse them in the pedagogy behind the FCL. We create an informal atmosphere and let the participants discover the zones by organizing suitable activities in them. And I am also very happy that I have been able to do this for a year now together with Jana, the lead ambassador!






Czech Republic


Petra Bohackova

"Chci se dočkat doby, kdy technologie ve školách nebude jen zpestřením výuky, ale nedílnou součástí, jako tužka a papír." - Petra Bohackova

As an FCL Ambassador, I have been privileged to explore and experience innovative educational environments, both internationally and locally. This role has allowed me to gain invaluable insights into cutting-edge teaching practices and the latest advancements in educational technology. I am proud to have the opportunity to contribute to the evolution of our educational system, particularly in promoting innovative teaching methods and the effective use of technology in the classroom. These experiences have not only enriched my professional journey but also fuelled my passion for making a meaningful impact on education in our country.







Lasse Remmer

"Fremtiden kræver at vi kan tilegne os viden på forskellige måder derfor, skal fremtidens skole tilbyde en bred vifte af læremidler og tilgange, digitale som analoge." - Lasse Remmer

Future Classroom Lab Denmark is a catalyst for educational transformation. Not only does it inspire teachers and school leaders to think innovatively, but it also develops the teachers of tomorrow through the Future Classroom Teacher program. At the same time, the lab serves as a vibrant ecosystem where over 60 industry partners collaborate to shape the learning environments of the future. With a strong emphasis on collaboration and continuous professional development, Future Classroom Lab is setting a new standard for education.








Sampo Forsström

"Voimaannuttavaa innovointia yhteistyöllä!" - Sampo Forsström

As an Ambassador, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to the Finnish FCLab’s growth from three pioneering labs to a network of ten. Our collaboration with the Agency of Education of Finland and European Schoolnet has furthered our robust presence in national and international development. The Finnish FCLab network has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives, including multiple pilots with enterprises and startups, diverse development projects, research advancement, and promoting well-being within our esteemed network. This journey of collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to excellence has been truly transformative.







Anikó Pázmándi

"Célunk, hogy a gyerek szenvedélyesen hajszolja a tudást, és ne a tudás hajszolja a gyereket." - George Bernard Shaw

Many years ago, when I started working as a teacher, I had no idea that technological progress would have such a rapid and profound impact on the education process and all its stakeholders: teachers, students, parents, institutions - all interested parties. I deeply believe in the power of a creative and collaborative communities in schools - and I think that a functionally designed, well-equipped educational space supported by innovative teaching and learning methodologies is essential for this. Thus, as FCL Ambassador, I consider my main task at the moment, according to my possibilities, to be to inform and to bring international good practices on innovative educational spaces to Hungarian teachers and schools.







Massimo Belardinelli

"Costruire arcipelaghi esperienziali integrati dal digitale per sviluppare apprendimenti attivi. Da  FCL strumenti  per innovare la didattica anche in edifici storici." - Massimo Belardinelli

Traditional lectures are no longer sufficient. Changing learning environments and situations multiple times a day improves students' well-being and learning outcomes. Making spaces flexible and digitally integrated allows for rapid and effective innovation in teaching in schools. The tools developed in FCL through international collaboration can be an excellent resource for schools that are planning the innovation of their environments, even in historic buildings. Taking a virtual tour in FCL allows you to see the state of the art of digital resources for education, enabling the creation of experiential archipelagos integrated with digital tools that facilitate active and experiential learning.







Paolo H. Scarbocci

"Morgendagen tilhører dem som kan høre den komme." - David Bowie

As Head of the FCL at the University of Stavanger since April 2017 and Lead ambassador of FCL Norway since 2021 I have participating in establishing ten different FCL, organized as a national network within the teacher education in Norway. Our educational labs seek to establish a sustainable approach to school improvement that respond to local contexts and wide-ranging needs across Norwegian schools. The FCL at the University of Stavanger is directly connected to all kinds of pedagogical and didactical programs and also contributing to teachers’ professional digital competence by participating in several projects.







Karina Batat

"כשגרירת ברשת כיתות העתיד אני מגשרת בין המסורתי ולחדשנות, מקדמת למידה לאורך כל החיים באמצעות טכנולוגיה" - Karina Batat

As an ambassador in the FCL network, my role is to bridge the gap between the rich heritage of education and the boundless potential of digital transformation. I envision a future where learning is not confined to the four walls of a classroom but is a lifelong journey fueled by curiosity and enabled by technology, ensuring that every mind has the key to unlock its fullest potential.









Milica Pupavac

"Entuzijazam nastavnika je nosilac gotovo svih najvažnijih promena u učionici te je ključno podržati ih pružajući im prilike za učenje i razmenu." - Milica Pupavac

We are happy to join the community of FCL ambassadors in the network’s 10th year. It is exciting to be able to share with colleagues and learn from each other while helping establish a network of innovative learning spaces in our country. We look forward to continuing our support of teachers and schools through this initiative.









Alica Zajacová

"Rada objavujem a skúšam nové veci. Preto ma teší, že môžem pomáhať budovať lepšie podmienky pre inovácie a transformáciu vzdelávania." - Alica Zajacová

In Slovakia, we are currently in the process of implementing a new curriculum. This is a significant challenge for all educational stakeholders. As a Future Classroom Lab Ambassador, I am dedicated to fostering innovative and transformative educational environments. I am convinced that spreading the concept of FCL will help to adopt all changes. My commitment lies in bringing inspiration on how to introduce innovative methods based on investigation, creativity, and collaboration into education. 






Eva Polláková

"Ak chceme rozvíjať kľúčové kompetencie u detí, musíme zmeniť spôsob, akým učíme. Verím, že aktívne učenie sa je správna cesta." - Eva Polláková

Future Classroom Lab opened my mind and completely changed my perspective on education. It was so strong that we decided to build our own FCL BESST in our school. We can see direct positive effects on the learning of our pupils. As a co-lead ambassador, I have the opportunity to further share and pass on the principles of active learning, working with technologies and flexible spaces to other teachers from all over Slovakia. I believe that this is the way how I can contribute to changes in the education system.







José Luis Fernández

"Celebramos 10 años de innovación y colaboración, construyendo juntos un futuro mejor con los embajadores y la comunidad FCL." - José Luis Fernández

I feel fortunate to have been part of the FCL project and the ambassadors’ network from the very beginning. These years I have been able to share with my fellow ambassadors and with many teachers and schools in Spain the interest and motivation to promote changes in teaching and learning through the FCL project. Training, resources, best practices, motivation, innovation, collaboration and enthusiasm are the core ingredients of the FCL ambassadors and the FCL community. Thanks to you all for sharing and creating a better education.






Sara Sánchez Vílchez

"10 años de colaboración innovando y colaborando en pro de una educación adaptada a los nuevos desafíos." - Sara Sánchez Vílchez

Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of being part of this network at the European level, also serving as a liaison with the National Network of Ambassadors for the Aula del Futuro project. It has been an enriching experience, full of learning and opportunities to collaborate and share experiences in educational innovation. I have participated in promoting the project and have witnessed how its approach has served as a driving force for change in schools and among teachers who, day by day, work to make the need to align educational innovation with the new challenges we face a reality.





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