This is a self-review tool that enables schools to assess their capacity to be innovative in learning and teaching, supported by technology. The information is captured in your member profile, and each user is provided with a benchmarking result and recommendations on how the school might have more of the characteristics of the Future Classroom.
The model has five dimensions which should be reviewed in turn. Once all five self-reviews are completed, you will have an overall picture of the extent to which your school/classroom can be described a Future Classroom.
Start the self-review by clicking one of the dimensions. Remember to log in first! The completed self-review reports are available in your member profile.
Suggested workshop activities
1 - Working in rounds and comparing
The session takes place in five rounds. In each round participants work alone and complete the review for one dimension, thinking about their classroom or school. Afterwards they compare results in small groups, justifying their responses and maybe challenging them, raising or lowering the assessment. After each round the composition of the groups changes so that all participants get to talk with as many different people as possible. At the end of the session some areas for innovation are identified.
2 - TET-SAT tool
Alternatively, the teachers of the school can take the technology-enhanced teaching self-assessment tool (TET-SAT). This online tool assesses four dimensions of digital pedagogical competence, which are divided into 15 sub-areas.
Teachers interested in taking TET-SAT can register here: