The reference guide to the Future Classroom Model highlights the main features at each level and for each of the five dimensions.
Please note these important caveats:
- The model is not intended to be a prescriptive roadmap (unlike the well-known SAMR model) but to provoke reflection and discussion and to underpin scenario creation. It was originally called a ‘maturity' model but that implies immaturity and a static endpoint, whereas innovation and school development is a constant process.
- Progression is not simply about quantity, more of the same (e.g. more frequent use of technology, more teachers trained, more technology bought) but quality, a broadening and deepening of approaches. Performance at level 1–2 is not necessarily a sign of inadequacy. For example, a small UK study showed that children performed better using a pencil and paper version of an online literacy programme than using the online version. It is all about fitness for purpose and is not ‘either/or'.
- Some elements may not appear in other levels but are flagged as part of the process of future classroom development and to stimulate discussion, e.g. special needs issues, competency levels, extent of student, teacher and school collaboration.
- Description of learner capabilities and activities refers to the (non-existent!) typical student; allowance should be made for the full spectrum of personalities, abilities and needs.
Suggested workshop activity
If participants want to work faster, they could skip the self-review and start with a discussion of the different parameters of the model. Participants should already be familiar with the document before beginning discussions. During the session, participants work in small groups and each indicates three priorities from the document. Afterwards a discussion follows to select the most appropriate and feasible areas for innovation in the school.