At this page you can find several recourse for teachers' professional development. Some of them can be used as a self-study material or by teacher trainers who wish to these materials as part of their courses for teachers.
Learning Snacks - do it yourself!
In the following links you find resources and self-learning materials on different topics. It includes videos, recorded webinar sessions, publications, etc.
- Teachers professional development
- 1:1 Learning / Collaborative Learning
- Digital content and curriculum
- Virtual Learning Environments
- Digital leaders
- Whole School Development and Leadership
Teacher training materials
Living Schools Lab
Collaborative Schools Professional Development course was developed within the EC-funded Living Schools Lab project (2012-2014). The course was developed from the observations to support mainstreaming of best practice and a whole school approach to ICT use. The course material includes 10 investigations (modules) and supporting materials.
European Schoolnet together with its partners has developed three courses for secondary level teachers' professional development in the digital age. The contents of the modular courses are now all complete and offered free of charge to be used by teacher training organisations and other training providers.
The courses, created within EC-funded CPDLab project, have been developed by four Ministries of Education, expert teachers and experienced teacher trainers. All the courses have run in summer 2013 and the feedback received from the participants has been very positive and encouraging indicating that there is a need for this kind of trainings. The three courses are:
- Pedagogical use of Interactive Whiteboards and technologies;
- eSafety in the school and classroom;
- Future Classroom Scenarios.
Download the course presentation here (available in difference languages):
Each of the courses consists of 7-10 modules that can be used independently and combined in different ways. This enables different learning pathways according to the need of different target groups. The courses have been developed under the Creative Commons Attribution, Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, allowing commercial use.
Download the Trainer Guide to learn more on each course and if you want to use the materials, download the "full course" in a zip format.
Material download | ZIP | |
Pedagogical use of Interactive Whiteboards and technologies | Trainer Guide | Full course (6.5 Mb) |
eSafety in the school and classroom | Trainer Guide | Full course (188 Mb) |
Future Classroom Scenarios | Trainer Guide | Full course (20 Mb) |
- CPDLab training materials in Norwegian (translated by NCIE)
- CPDLab trainer guides in Finnish (translated by OPH)
By downloading the material you agree to respect the Creative Commons – Attribution, Share Alike 3.0 Unported License