FCL Validation Service

Working with schools to test new ideas, products and services targeting the education market can be a rewarding experience for all involved. One of the key challenges, however, is often how to find and motivate schools to participate in school pilots and to work with them in a way that fits with the day to day pressures faced by busy teachers.

To support ICT companies, start-ups, and research projects interested in carrying out school pilots, European Schoolnet has developed a Future Classroom Validation Service. It is based on European Schoolnet's extensive experience in running small and large-scale school pilots, and on research carried out in the Living Schools Lab project.

The service consists of:

1 - Free, comprehensive Validation Manual - Download here (PDF)

  • Including the validation methodology, operational process, validation scenarios to help you consider different types of validations.
  • Free tools and templates to use and adapt to fit different validation requirements.

2 - Consultancy services from the European Schoolnet validation experts

  • To design and scope school validations on-demand.
  • To understand the results that can be expected from using different types of evaluation methodologies and instruments.
  • To decide how best to motivate teachers to participate in the planned pilot.    

3 - Access to the network of validation schools

  • Possibility to run a customised validation, including consultancy and operations, using a pan-European network of schools.

If you want further information, please contact us at fcl@eun.org







Video: Chromebook pilot

EUN validation pilots




Validation Manual: Appendices

The following templates and forms are used within the Future Classroom Lab validation service. They are provided under a Creative Commons license and can be freely reused or adapted by any organisation wishing to design and run its own school validation pilot. All the files are provided in .DOCX format. Download all the files here (.ZIP)

1. Model Contract for National Coordinators - Detailed description of the role and responsibilities of National Coordinators that are appointed in each country to provide training and support to teachers in larger validation pilots.

2. Evaluation Terms of Reference - Checklists to help you gather the information about what will be evaluated and to defi ne the purpose of the evaluation and the expected outputs.

3. Validation Pilot Work Plan - Features of an operational work plan that should apply to any school pilot.

4. Invitation to schools/teachers to participate in a validation project - Document inviting schools to participate in a validation which specifi es the scope of work; level of commitment and outputs expected from teachers; incentives or rewards for carrying out the work etc.

5. School data form - A form to be completed by each school participating in a school pilot.

6. School Pilot Memorandum of Understanding with Schools - A simple cooperation agreement outlining what teachers/schools are expected to do in small validation pilots.

7. School Pilot Model Contract - A more formal and detailed contract outlining what teachers/schools are expected to do in larger validation pilots involving the payment of an honorarium or financial reward.

8. School Pilot Model Cooperation Agreement - An example of a cooperation agreement made with a school that receives equipment from the initiator of an evaluation.

9. Photo and Video Permission Form - A form to be used when permission is necessary from participants for the use of photos and/or video, related to data privacy. Particularly important when recording classroom observations or interviews with teachers and where this material may be used for dissemination purposes).

10. Lesson Observation Record - A template that can be used by an evaluation expert to record information when carrying out a classroom observation.

11. Code of conduct for school-industry collaboration - Guidelines on how industry partners and schools should cooperate within a validation pilot.

12. Certificate of Participation for Teachers / Schools - A model certificate which recognises that a teacher or school has participated in a validation pilot