Our proposal is based on active methodologies such as Project Based Learning in which students work in cooperative teams to create a final product. This way of working can be complicated in the ordinary classroom. In contrast, a space inspired by the Future Classroom Lab allows us to do so.
Our students can work in different spaces according to the needs of what they are doing, they also have a space for discussion to expose what they are learning, a place where they can create, etc. This distribution helps students to work and the teacher to organise the class and the task to be done.
Address: C/ Berenguer el Vell 10, 17500, Ripoll, Girona, Catalunya, Spain
Contact: Headmaster/headmistress - b7003021@xtec.cat
Website: https://sites.google.com/vedrunaripoll.org/aulafutur/p%C3%A0gina-principal